I need to buy this book!
Ooh my Clipper tea Clipper Fair Trade Organic English Breakfast, 20-Count (Pack of 6)
just arrived! I only ordered it yesterday!
Pretty darn amazing! I bought 4 boxes of 20 x oolong teas and a box of 50 x green tea with lemon. I had to buy the oolong tea in bulk, as there seems to be a large shortage of them around. I used to be able to buy them in my local supermarket, from Twinnngs, but they stopped selling them, due to the company discontinuing the tea =[. I highly recommend clipper teas. I got the lot for £9.97, and £3 delivery is not bad for next day! I’m looking forward to tasting their oolong tea. The Twinnings ones were very good!
On another subject, I was thinking about famous life quotes or sayings that people say to me to stop me feeling down about it all, and how true they are. You know “don’t worry, things can only get better” or “as one door closes another one opens”. Well, to me, these sayings don’t apply to me. I feel like I’m an exception to the rule. I’ll go through some and explain:
- “You have to work hard to get what you want”. My mum says this to me all the time. I have an anecdote to share with you; I did not work hard at all during my degree, and I received a 2.1. Amazing! Then there are people in life who I see on their facebooks that they just fall into fabulous jobs and have wonderful perks etc. They don’t work hard for it. Me? I have applied for probably a thousand amazing jobs, and I have not heard for one of them. Not one.
- “Good things come to those who wait”. Ok, well, I haven’t been waiting as long as others have been for that point in life where it all falls into place, which actually proves the fact that good things don’t always come to those who wait. I’m still waiting. Well, for a great job at least!
- “A degree will open many doors”. Now this is the biggest piece of crap I was ever told! I could write a whole 3000 word essay on this statement alone. But I’ll spare you. Basically, I have a degree. Doors are locked, dead bolted, walled shut. I am applying for degree related jobs, pushing hard against them, but they just won’t budge. I am in a job that school leavers are able to do. You see my point?
- “The only way is up/things can only get better”. I would like to know when my job possibilities will get better.
Now, I would like to point out that I relate these to the whole working aspect of my life. The other side, love, family and friends, couldn’t be better. I just wish jobs will hurry up and start writing to me! Even offering me a job! Just something that makes my degree worthwhile!
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