Monday, 12 December 2011

No words came out of my Mouth...

First of all, I am so excited to see that my page views is now over 1000! Yay! Thank you to everyone who pops along to my ickle blog! It means so much! 
My followers has increased to 16! 
I must also remind you all that my giveaway is still ongoing! I havn't made it to 20 followers yet, so I can't dish out the goods to 3 lucky followers! Check out the giveaway post here: 

Today I woke up, without a voice. It was rather strange. I had a cold all weekend, which turned into a bit of a cough yesterday evening. But I didn't see this coming (or going...ha!) 
So I went to work, and told the managers the bad news. Because half my job is answering the phone to customers, I obviously had to stay off of them today. That just landed me with looooads of admin work to do. Which is totally fine by me. I love admin work so much more than having to deal with customers. Admin work doesn't answer back, it does what it's told, and it always goes my way! 

So my picture for today is me with a sad face, because, as much as I liked not having to answer the phone, not being able to talk was pretty annoying. Although, it is strange how much more notice people take of you when you don't talk!

December 12th

What would you do for a whole day without a voice?!

Oh, do you like my new furry leopard print coat? I looove it. It's warm, and it feels so good, I could stroke my arms all day! 
I'd seen them around on people, and on some girls, they look fab. On others, not so fab. But I had seen this one on a few girls, and, funnily enough, they were all small and blonde! 
So I had to get it! Turns out, everyone loves it! 
The best bit is... it was only £24.99 from the great H&M! I can't see it on the website, so I can't post a link unfortunately =[ . 

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