Wednesday, 13 April 2011

The perks of work...

I haven't been on here for a while, so I thought I'd catch up. I have finished another page in my art book/journal thing (I don't know what it is, I don't really write in it, I just draw/paint the general mood I'm in) and I have started another. I seem to be on a roll! Again, they are nothing amazing to look at, but I like them so there! Will be posting pics up, promise! 
I am tired today, I helped out at an event at my work. Paul Reed Smith (as in PRS Guitars) and his band came to our branch in Romford and played a few sets. It was really good. It's crazy how much those guitars are woth! I touched a £10,000 guitar! I just don't understand how they value those things! They are pretty, but it was the pretty dull ones that were worth more?! 
I wasn't going to help out, after I was told I wasn't getting paid for it, but, I had nothing better to do really! And it might come in useful as a conversation piece one day! 
I've been slightly inspired as to what direction I want to take my career in now. I'm thinking, maybe I could get a job within a music company, like Universal or Sony. Just an admin job or something. I'm thinking I like the little perks of working within the music industry! Plus, it will help out my little brother who is a drummer! 
So I think my next art journal entry will be inspired by music!
Watch this space, things will fill up soon! 

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Another one?!

So, this is my second entry. Or third since many years ago! I did actually do a bit of journaling last night. About the sea. It’s more of a collage than a journal entry. I wrote some bits and bobs on it as to why I love the sea so much. I will put a picture up, but it’s not exactly the greatest thing! Kind of looks like a kid done it, but I don’t care! I think it represents me. I have a big inner child (I was going to say I have a big kid inside of me, but that would be strange!) But yes, I love the sea. I love the way it is always moving, and I love its vastness and openness. It’s very unpredictable, and can be scary at times, but for some reason, it just comforts me. I’m not sure why I feel so comforted by the sea. My fiancĂ© says it’s because I am a mermaid! But clearly, that’s not true! It’s also my favourite sound, the waves gently lapping at the sure. Sounds like a whisper, saying that everything is ok.
My fiancĂ© proposed to me by the sea. He knows how special it is to me, and I was over the moon that he proposed by it. It was the most amazing moment of my life so far. I may do a collage on that as well. I want to try writing. I bought a notebook, it’s a fake leather one, purple in colour. I read so many blogs where the authors can keep a daily journal, and even have more than one on the go. My best friend bought me a daily entry diary. I did so well at first, but I kind of lost track a little. I must go back and fill in my engagement weekend. I am keeping a journal on making plans for the engagement, and I MUST also write in my feelings on the whole situation. I just need to think of things to write in there.  Interesting things, where I can look back on them and think “wow” or “ooh”! Guess I’ll have a think! 

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

So.. yea!

So, I really wanted to start this blog, like so many others, and write about really interesting things, like so many others. But I have nothing of interest to write about! I started to write one about my mini crisis I am having about my clothes, and not knowing how I want to dress (girly or rocker) but I just thought, this is rubbish. No one is going to want to read about the problem I have with deciding what clothes to wear! There are much more important things in life! So I’m going to ramble about whatever comes my way!
So I’m sitting here at work, writing this in a word document, so I don’t get flagged for sitting on a blog site all day. Not much is happening. Phones ringing. Maintaining people’s web orders.
What I really want to be doing is journaling. And scrapbooking. And writing. I have a lot of spare time at work, where I have completed my daily tasks. This could be used for journaling time, but, of course, this would be frowned upon and I am supposed to be doing work! I try and do some when I get home, but I am tired from the day’s work, and my brain is frazzled to think! Lame, I know! I have one page done; in my new art journal that I bought last week. I will put a photo up later on.
I’ve been reading a blog on journaling, and she emphasises the fact that it should be messy and not thought about. But I am one who likes order and methodically doing things so that they look nice!
I may do another journal entry tonight, if I do, I will put it up here =]
Anywhooo, I’ll sign off now. I don’t want this rambling to go on too long!